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張貼資訊:【站長】【鄭兆光】【2010/6/9 下午 11:24:37】

XXIth Congress of International Society of Biomechanics July 1-5, 2007, Taipei, Taiwan



Instructions for Presenters



Oral Presentations

z  Each oral presentation will be limited to ten minutes, allowing two minutes for

questions and discussion (10 min + 2 min).

z  Please adhere to the time limit in order that the subsequent presenters have an equal opportunity to present and discuss their work.

z  You  have  to  upload  your  presentation  files  (CD  or  USB  flash  drive)  to  the computer in the Speaker Preparation Room (Room 106) at least 24 hours prior to your presentation.

z  The Speakers Preparation Room will be open 9AM-5PM from July 1st to July 4th.

z  We strongly recommend checking your presentation in the Speakers Preparation

Room for compatibility with our system one day before your presentation.

z  The  equipments  provided  in  the  presentation  room  are  i)  laptop  computer (Windows XP, Microsoft Powerpoint, Adobe Reader), ii) LCD project, and iii) laser pointer.


Session Chairs of Oral Presentations

z  Session chairpersons and speakers are requested to be available in the respective

lecture room 15 minutes before the beginning of the session in order to check the facilities with the responsible technician and AV staff as well as introduce yourself to chairperson.

z  The chairpersons are advised to strictly keep the schedule on time. If you have any problems, please contact the AV staff in your room immediately. In rare cases where the presenter does not show, please take a break for that 12 minute time period rather than move on to the next speaker.

z  Cell phones must be in power-off mode in the lecture rooms at all times. Cell phones in the on-mode will noticeably disturb the acoustic reproduction in the lecture room. The chairmen are requested to check this before the beginning of the session.


Poster Presentations

z  For each poster presentation, a space of 90 cm wide and 120 cm tall (approximate 3

x 4 feet) will be provided.   We will also provide mounting materials.

z  The poster sessions will be held in Room 103 and alley area on Wednesday July 4th

and Thursday July 5th.

z  The poster presenters on Wednesday July 4th  will be required to stand at their poster from 14:45PM-15:45PM, and the poster presenters on Thursday July 5th will be required to stand at their poster from 14:10PM-15:10PM.

z  Presenters should have their posters up by no later than 9 AM on display day, and should be taken down by 17:30PM on the same day.

z  The number assigned to each poster will be in the upper left corner of the poster board. Any posters that are not removed by the required time will be disposed of.