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張貼資訊:【站長】【鄭兆光】【2010/6/9 下午 11:18:01】

The study of the corresponding influence factors of standing long jump action performed among the first-grade to the third students in the Elementary School


The maturation of the students in the elementary school is a

process that develop upward and increase [1]. The skilled features of standing long jump have been achieved an objective at six years old [2]. The research is mainly to discuss the correlative affected elements of standing long jump in the elementary school students, and therefore to understand the affected reasons of standing long jump. The object of the study is the students from the first grade to the third in the elementary school. 


Through multiple sampling, 84 students are determined in

this research. By random sampling, the 84 students are then divided into 3 groups to the different test processes. This research evaluates the action levels which is according to Kathleen  Haywoods,  standing  long  jump  development

stages  observation checklist”  1993;  moreover,  those

research data are using Pearson Correlation Coeffients’ thoery, T text and ONE WAY ANOVA (α=.05) to analyze the differences between standing long jump distances and movement patterns. 


Type of standing long jump are presented in Figure 1. See

Figure 1. for description of standing long jump relative to the body configuration at the instant of starting position, take-off phase and landing phase. Using Pearson Correlation Coeffients’ thoery, T text and ONE WAY ANOVA (α=.05) to analyze the correlation between standing long jump distances and movement patterns. The correlations of standing long jump action performed and  distances were presented in Table 1.



Figure 1. Type of standing long jump (Wickstrom, 1983)

We found that take off (leg), landing and landing(trunk) are related   to   distances   by   positive   correlation   with   the first-grade    students   in     the     elementary     school.    The second-grade students increased take off(arm) pattern then the first. And the take off(arm) was related to distances by positive  correlation.  Landing(arm) pattern  was  related  to distances   by   positive   correlation   with   the   third-grade students in the elementary school.



The  conclusions  of  this  study  are  the  followings:  1.The

boys standing long jump performances are better than the girls; and the later performances surpass the previous ones obviously. 2.All the energy has no noticeable influences on the standing long jump performances. 3.Movement pattern is the important element influenced on the standing long jump distance. 4.Standing long jump performance will be more mature by the ages. 5.Practices or teacher’s appropriately actions feedbacks have a certainly help to the studentsstanding long jump performances.