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張貼資訊:【站長】【鄭兆光】【2010/6/9 下午 11:27:06】



May 8, 2007



RE: ISB 2007 Congress presentation arrangement



Dear Zhao-Guang Zheng,


We are writing this letter to inform you the current arrangement for your presentation at

ISB 2007 Congress. The information is as follows:


Presenter: Zhao-Guang Zheng

Paper title: The study of the corresponding influence factors of standing long jump action performed among the first-grade to the third students in the Elementary School


Present type: Poster

Session: Sport

Date/Time: Wednesday, July 4, 07, 14:45-15:45

Room: 103 and alley area


Please check whether the above information is correct and appropriate for you. Then, reply your confirmation, request, and the full name of the presenter to Chung-Dao Zhang at n1895150@mail.ncku.edu.tw, who is the contact person for this matter, before May 11, 2007. Thank you so much. We are looking forward to seeing you in Taipei 



Tzyy-Yuang Shiang                                           Ming-Shaung Ju

Congress Chairperson, ISB 2007                      Congress Chairperson, ISB 2007



Secretariat, ISB 2007

c/o Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, 1 University Rd., Tainan 701, Taiwan

Tel: +886 6 236-5220  Fax: +886 6 235-2973  E-mail: isb2007@conf.ncku.edu.tw