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張貼資訊:【站長】【鄭兆光】【2010/6/16 下午 11:39:49】


From: Wendell Dillon <pong35@mindspring.com>
Subject: Advanced Umpire Exam, Singapore
To: "Chinese Taipei Table Tennis Association" <cttta@cm1.hinet.net>
Cc: "Albert Rooijmans" <albert@vrooom.nl>, "Cindy Leung" <CindyL@hksi.org.hk>, "Graeme Ireland" <graemeireland@yahoo.com.au>, "Cyril Sen" <sukom1948@yahoo.com>
Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2009, 3:34 AM

The following umpire from your association attended the advanced umpire training (AUT) course in Singapore on June 21, 2009. Here are the results of the exam following the UAT course:
 06627 ZHENG Zhao-Guang TPE Pass  He took the exam.
I have reported the results to the URC for their records. Please notify the umpire of the results.
Wendell Dillon, IR
For the URC